At-Home Dental Care Between Your Appointments
Protect your teeth at home
We’re a big fan of seeing your dentist as often as your dentist advises! But what can you do between visits for optimal dental health? A lot!
We’ve put together a guideline on the steps you can take at home to protect your teeth or manage dental problems in partnership with your dentist.
Prevent cavities and gum disease at home.
When it comes to maintaining your oral health, prevention is the best medicine, so you should implement or continue a regular, thorough oral hygiene routine, which includes flossing, using mouthwash at least once a day, and brushing your teeth for two minutes at least twice a day. Although it may sound tedious, flossing is an essential part of a good oral hygiene routine; it cleans parts of your teeth the bristles on your toothbrush simply can’t reach.
Your gums might bleed a little at first if you’re just starting to floss regularly, but this is a normal indication that bacteria at your gumline is irritating your gums, showing just how important flossing is! The bleeding should subside after a week or so of sticking to your new daily routine. Flossing is just as important as brushing your teeth, while fluoridated mouthwash can provide a great added defense against cavities or gum disease. An oral hygiene routine with all of these steps ensures all the surfaces of your teeth are getting cleaned and helps keep your teeth and gums healthy.
Ease minor discomfort with home remedies.
If you’re suffering from minor discomfort like a mild toothache, there are plenty of ways you can manage it at home so you’re comfortable while you wait for appointment with Dr. Tomasik. You can use well-known remedies like over-the-counter pain medication and icing the area, though you should make sure you don’t keep ice on for too long; that can cause problems of its own. When you use ice, keep it on for only 20 minutes at a time, then remove the ice for at least an hour.
Clove oil is another home remedy that’s incredibly effective for dental pain; in fact, it’s been used for centuries! It numbs pain, reduces inflammation, and even has antiseptic properties that help prevent infections. You can apply clove oil directly to the affected area using a Q-tip or cotton ball, or you can create a mouthwash by adding a drop of the oil to water. It will take about five or ten minutes to kick in, and you can reapply it every two or three hours. Additionally, saltwater rinses are easy to make at home and can ease pain, reduce inflammation, and help heal any wounds that might be present. Using these methods, you should be able to reduce your discomfort until Dr. Tomasik can find and treat the source of your pain.
Know when to call about a dental emergency.
Dr. Tomasik and Dr. Clor can see you for dental emergencies, but what constitutes an emergency? For starters, dental trauma like broken or knocked-out teeth are considered dental emergencies and often require immediate treatment; knocked-out teeth are particularly time-sensitive because if you handle the tooth correctly and make it to Dr. Tomasik quickly, he may be able to save the tooth. When it comes to toothaches, a good rule of thumb is that it’s a dental emergency if it’s severe and isn’t responding to over-the-counter pain medicines. In either of these situations, you can call our office and we’ll schedule an appointment for you right away!
Stay in the loop.
We care deeply about the health of our community and staff and are making it our top priority, so we’re trying to stay on our toes and adapt to the CDC’s recommendations as they continue to be released. If you have any questions about your oral health, our response to coronavirus, or how it will impact you, you can call our practice at any time.